In-memory Computing with SAP® HANA

The SAP AG has made SAP® HANA available for the entire SAP Business Suite. Accordingly, we have expanded our portfolio to include SAP HANA. A HANA test instance has been in operation at our data center for some time, and we are closely monitoring it. In addition, we have already ported our own SAP add-ons in the field of data quality and our airport billing solution to the HANA target environment.

Deriving benefit from Big Data

Being able to use huge volumes of data quickly and efficiently is increasingly becoming a critical competitive factor. SAP HANA can create reports, complex analysis, planning, forecasting and simulations much faster and much more cost-efficiently. SAP HANA is an in-memory computing solution that provides great benefit in the SAP environment.

For your SAP operations/basis we offer

  • support for migrating to SAP HANA, in particular the archiving of data of legacy systems

Our SAP consulting offer

  • support and proof of concepts, to speed up business processes, for example, to greatly accelerate classic long-running batch processes such as CO-PA
  • application development, interface integration between SAP systems and Big Data, content providers

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